Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Ok, so I know that I've been a slacker about blogging but I have some good reasons why it has taken so long.

1. I lost my camera and don't like posting without pictures
2. The holidays are crazy and I didn't have any time
3. I don't love writing
4. I'm lazy (supercedes the previous reasons)

One of my resolutions is to blog at least once a week. I hope it won't be hard to find subject matter - some of the blogs might only be a haiku long - but they will count! It's like dieting and exercising. I went on Weight Watchers last year and lost 20 pounds so this is the first year in a long time that one of my resolutions is not to lose weight. I started running as well, which is something I really don't like, but I've been sticking with it and will hopefully be running in a 10 mile race at the beginning of April. Both of these are things that I worked into slowly and had no experience sticking with in the past. Now blogging will be the next goal (aim high, right?).

Actually there are a couple of other things I'd like to work on this year and they are as follows...

1. Run in the Cherry Blossom 10 mile
2. Blog at least once a week
3. Do my bible study everyday and not all on the day before I meet with my small group
4. See some touristy stuff in DC, since I live 12 miles from the Smithsonian
5. Stick with my money management plan so I can save some for a rainy day
6. Spend less money at Coach
7. Learn how to play my guitar
8. Learn a new song on the piano

I think these are all realistic and attainable. I hope that this blog doesn't become monotonous but there are no guarantees.

In the mean time, here are some pictures from my New Year's Eve last night. I went to a party in Arlington with some folks from my church. Actually, it was a great mix of people - about 120 showed up. We danced and sang and had a great time! I got home at 3:30 and fell asleep around 4am.
2008, here I come!

Stu and me before

Alexis, Stu and Shani

Alexis and Me!

Dancin' the night away

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