Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Back on the wagon

I know it's been over a week since I posted, however, I'm giving myself a pass on this one. I haven't had much to write about and didn't want to post anything until something exciting happened.

Nothing did.

So yesterday I decided I would post a blog about how my New Year's resolutions are going.

Above is the treadmill I bought before Christmas as an incentive to get in shape. I'm also using it to train for the 10 mile race, as my weak Texan lungs can't handle air below 50 degrees so I can't run outside.

The running has been going great, and I'm already seeing a change in my endurance. I'm hoping to run the race at a 10 minute pace (which would be awesome for me). Even if I don't make that goal, I'll be satisfied just finishing the race.

Running is a great workout. I've integrated strength training which has really helped me tone up. It's nice to see the benefits of working out and I'm excited about swimsuit season for the first time since high school! We have a pool out back and I can't wait to have barbecues once the weather is more agreeable.

One of my resolutions I'm still working on is the guitar playing. It's silly but one of the main reason why it isn't going so well is that my fingernails grow really fast and I always have to cut them when I sit down to play. It gets annoying. And then I let it go for too long and I lose my callouses, which take forever to build back up it seems like. I really want to learn a song on the guitar, and I feel like I'd be a good guitarist. I guess I just have to take one goal at a time.
In other news, I saw "There Will Be Blood" this weekend with Stu. I picked the movie. I never see films like that because I usually don't understand them. This film looked interesting because it was about oil and religion. However, it was long. And I felt that it didn't really resolve at the end. With movie tickets around here being $10 a pop, I'll stick with genres I know I like (think Old School/Wedding Crashers ...).
More exciting stuff later (hopefully).

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