Thursday, February 21, 2008


There are many definitions for the title to this post but the one I'm blogging about tonight is the automation of seemingly everything in American society.

Case and point: I was at the pharmacy today and as I was walking out to my car I almost ran smack into the glass door. I paused and stared at the handle (for far too long than I care to admit) thinking, "Ok, what do I do ... it isn't opening for me ...". I literally forgot how to open a door.

And if you can't relate to that anecdote, think about all the things in your life that you just can't live without. Power locks, ATMs, wi-fi, elevators ... I could go on and on.

I am such a slave to modern conveniences that when I was at my relatives' house this weekend in rural Kentucky, I almost had a panic attack when I realized I didn't get email to my blackberry because of limited service coverage.

I mean, my world would fall apart if I didn't find out immediately that so-and-so in Arizona is getting a promotion to senior-big-wig and it affects my job zilch. They don't call them crackberrys for nothing!

Oh to live back in the day when people actually had to write letters to each other with a pen and paper and mail it with those relics called "stamps" ...

And they even had to open their own doors.

1 comment:

Annalise said...

In my building at work they have bathrooms with automatic sinks. I can't tell you how many times I'll go up to a sink and nothing happens and I'm like "oh yeah, these are one of the crappy ones where I have to turn a nob". I'll then forget to turn off the water and come back into my kitchen 10 minutes later and the water is still running.

It's so sad.