Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nostalgic Music

At what point in life does some experience go from routine to past?

There are some experiences that remind me so much of home that their very mention takes me back to that time and place. This is especially true when it comes to music.

For example, this past weekend I visited Anne and Brian in MA. We had a great time exploring the cape in the frigged weather (it was 16 degrees with the wind chill) and eating some delicious cupcakes.

What was so special to me, however, was being at the Cheers bar in Boston before I had to leave on my flight Monday afternoon. The theme song, "Where Everybody Knows Your Name", always reminds me of the Thursday nights I would spend at my Mom and Step-Dad's house. Even though I didn't get all the jokes, I knew all the lyrics to that song by the time I was seven years old.

As I've gotten older, I have come to appreciate the little things that take us back to when we were young. Every time I hear Billy Joel, I'll think about my friend, Ben, who always played his songs in high school. The song Dancing Queen always reminds me of Annalise, who sang it in our high school pop show (I think my Dad still has the video). And Bon Jovi's album Crossroads will forever be memorialized as the soundtrack to many drives to Hallettsville, TX to visit my Granny. (My Mom is a huge Bon Jovi fan.)

I wonder if anyone else can relate. What music takes you back?

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