Friday, May 9, 2008

Stu's Thesis

You might have noticed that Stu has been MIA from my blog lately. Not to worry - there's no trouble in paradise - he's been working very hard on his master's thesis in architecture so we haven't been able to see each other as much.

Stu has been working on his masters for two years and specifically his thesis for more than a year. His design takes Tyson's Corner and reworks the roads and landscape to create a city center with a dome and mixed use properties. It's centered around the idea of the metro line being extended through Tyson's and out to Dulles airport. It is a great design and very impressive.

I'm very happy to say that Stu defended his thesis on Wednesday and it went great! His committee members liked his idea and how he executed his project. They had lots of great compliments and said his project might receive honors at graduation!

I was fortunate enough to be able to take the day off from work to watch Stu's defense. His parents drove up from South Carolina to attend as well and afterwards we all went out to lunch. It was great meeting them and getting to know them better.

I look forward to Stu's graduation next weekend and the subsequent "pig roast" party (they are literally roasting HALF a pig!). I can't wait to post those pictures!

1 comment:

Annalise said...

Impressive! When I was 6 I wanted to be an architect. I have no idea why, and I probably didn't even know what one was. Way to go Stu!