Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jeff turns 20-10!

Jeff's blue steel look

Last weekend my friend Jeff had a part to celebrate his 20-10th birthday ... Ok, ok, he turned 30. The party was at a single family home in Arlington affectionately referred to as "The Fun House". It was basically a frat house occupied by people who've been out of college for ... well, a while. It was a neat spread, complete with a dance floor, two kitchens, several bedrooms, and a wall of fame signed by everyone who had ever lived there. Jeff himself was an alumni with rights to have parties there whenever the need arose. Rachel came with me and we had a great time! Here are a few pictures ...

A rare appearance by Michael Jackson (complete with sequin glove)

Rachel and me - and we did bring sexy back ;-)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Yesterday, April 12th - Easter Sunday - 2009, I turned 28. It's amazing the amount of change that has happened in my life this past year.

Relationships beginning, ending, reconnecting ...
Running 10 miles - twice ...
Work being good, then bad, then really bad, then back to really good...
Visiting Texas, Utah, Massachusetts, Hawaii ...
Surfing, learning guitar ...
Leading small group with Rachel ...
Going out on good dates, bad dates, and dates I didn't know were dates ...
Watching hours and hours of movies and the countless conversations about the rodentia of northern Virginia (most recently Sunday night) with the aggies ...
And of course Coach and that wonderful discount.

I've learned that a lot can happen in a year; but if you're going the right direction, things should only get better. God forbid we reach the pinnacle of our personal development at this age and have the downward spiral to look forward to the rest of our lives.

I never would have pictured being here geographically, emotionally, spiritually, or relationally but I'm so happy things have worked out the way they have. I am so blessed.

Me at 28

My friends invested in some light reading for me (all political science theory) - and a beret!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another One Down ...

I ran my third 10 mile race today and finished 1:36:44, almost a whole minute better than last year! I'm really proud since I had many interruptions in my training schedule.

I enjoyed the race, but I can barely walk tonight. My hips probably won't take much more running, but I'm hoping they'll make it through at least one more 10 mile race (the Army 10 miler in October) and the Marine Corps Marathon at the end of October.

I always say that the next race will be my last but for some reason I keep signing up for more. There is something about being in the heat of the race and having all those people going towards the same goal that is very inspiring.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the Cherry Blossom Race but I suppose that's ok because it's not like I looked that great after running 10 miles!

My birthday is this Sunday, April 12, and I'm looking forward to having a great post with some pictures from my cocktail party next week.

Until next time :-)