Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I realize I might offend some people with the content of this post but hear me out.

I don't get Twitter.

Oh, I know some people say it's just like updating your Facebook status but I beg to differ. I mean, I don't have a problem with the occasional tweet or the play-by-play during a life-changing event such as a birth, but to have entire conversations through a microblog ... I mean, seriously? Who has time for this?? Does every tweeter have a very forgiving boss???

What I want to know is when texting went out of style. And what about that very archaic practice of actually CALLING someone and TALKING with them on the phone... so last year, right? And frankly, I don't really care if Kim Kardashian just got a latte at Starbucks or Ryan Seacrest has deep thoughts about a sandwich. The worst is when a person doesn't have the guts to tell someone what they're actually feeling and so instead tweets it so everyone can know their business. Um, soo 7th grade.

To me all of this passive-aggressive communication is a sign that even as we as a society find new and different ways to connect through technology, we become more inept at face to face conversation and thereby less socially adjusted. Misunderstandings and unintentional offenses abound when one's sole communication is a few sentences into the Internet abyss.

So give your texting thumbs a rest and call someone. Instead of tweeting all night, go out and spend some quality time in deep conversation with someone you care about. Try not tweeting about your bad experience at Subway and ask the person behind the counter how their day is going.

You just might make a new friend and learn something about yourself.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Upstate NY

As most of my friends (and most of the northern VA area) know, I am from Texas.  Born and raised in Houston, and my parents, and their parents, and their parents, are from Texas.  I'm proud of my heritage, and would have it no other way.  What few people know, is that I have a few clusters of relatives who live elsewhere.  My step-mom's parents and sister live in Kentucky, and my step-dad's kids live in Glens Falls, NY.  Their house is in the Adirondack mountains a short drive from Saratoga, where the horse races take place.  I've been several times to visit them, the most recent being this past weekend when my step-dad, mom, and step-brother were up there as well. 

The drive is long from Great Falls - it took me about eight hours total.  Diego made the journey with me and he was an excellent passenger.  With him and my iPod, the eight hours went by pretty fast and before I knew it, the New Jersey turnpike turned into 87 to Albany and the Adirondacks were rising out of the horizon in the distance.

While I was there this weekend, we played poker, shopped a bit in Saratoga, and Ralph (my step-sister Susan's husband) and I serenaded everyone on our guitars (or tried to!).  My visits with this side of the family aren't frequent enough and are always too short.  But, we always make the most of our time together, and this past weekend was no exception.

Here is a video of all the animals we had with us this weekend, sans Susan's African Gray parrot named Ivan (he's not into having his picture taken).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


There is this great 80's cover band in northern Virginia called the Legwarmers.  I first heard about them five years ago when I was interning on the Hill, and I've wanted to check out a show ever since.  What's so fun about going to see the Legwarmers is that everyone dresses up, and there are some pretty incredible costumes, for sure.  

This past weekend, several of my girlfriends and I went to see the Legwarmers at the State Theatre in Falls Church.  It was so awesome!  I saw Madonnas, the Brat Pack, and even Dee Snider!  Not to mention the music - all the hits from the 80's that we know and love: Journey, the Go Go's, Michael Jackson ... It was awesome!

Again, I tried to capture our attempt at 80's garb; I'll let you judge for yourself!

Southern Prep

I have this great group of friend who love to throw theme parties.  A few weeks ago, in celebration of one of our friends who is moving south for grad school, we had a Southern Prep theme party.  Really, having a theme party is an excuse to show off how well you can dress the part.  I took some pictures of everyone who was there, and I hope we represented the south well.  See for yourself ...